Swedish Ivy-10″ Hanging Basket


This is an easy houseplant, perfect for a hanging basket, with not much maintenance required. The ivy is ideal for indoor growing as average room temperatures and humidity will be great, although it can also be moved outside in the summer. Many gardeners also grow these on decks or balconies. Swedish ivy tolerates pruning very well, and its individual branches can be pruned at any time without significant damage to the plant itself. Prune it regularly to help it develop new branches, keep it in moderate humidity, fertilize it, and the Swedish ivy will prove a great houseplant for new gardeners.

Growing Conditions

Follow these guidelines for healthy Swedish ivy:

  • Light: Moderate, indirect light throughout the year is recommended. If its leaves have begun to droop, it could be getting too much light.
  • Water: The soil should always be at least slightly moist, especially during the growing season from the beginning of spring until fall. Make sure to avoid overwatering in winter.
  • Temperature: Average room temperature is good for Swedish ivy—about 60 to 75 F. Avoid freezing temperature as frost will kill it.
  • Soil: A peat moss based potting mix is best, but any good potting soil should be fine.
  • Fertilizer:Fertilize during the growing season every few weeks with a balanced houseplant fertilizer like 20-20-20. It shouldn’t be fertilized during winter. If its leaves become dull and droopy, its fertilizer intake can be slightly increased. Too much nitrogen fertilizer can prevent the plant from blooming. If your ivy fails to bloom, consider switching to a low-nitrogen fertilizer for the next growing season.